Campus Parent
Butts County
Tuesday 09/10/2024
Parents, having problem logging into Campus? Please contact your school's Data Clerk.
Daughtry Elementary - Kim Louviere
Jackson Elementary - Iris Ivester
Stark Elementary - Becki Davis
Henderson Middle - Amy Matthews
Jackson High - Lindsey Peavy
Tuesday 04/10/2018
Do you have a Parent Portal Account??
If, you have multiple children in the school district, you will likely appreciate the functions of Parent Portal that allow you to use a single login to see a consolidated calendar view of your students’ assignments and grades.It
also allows contact information to be updated by the parent such as; Household Information (Home phone and address), Contact Preferences (emails added & updated, messaging preference), Family Members (Cell, Work, Other phone numbers, emails, and relationships, contact order).
Ask your schools front office personnel how to get your Parent Portal account!
Thursday 10/19/2017
Infinite Campus Mobile Portal App Setup Instructions:
1. Download the Infinite Campus Mobile Portal App
2. District Name: Butts
3. Select a State: Georgia
4. Click on Search
5. Click on Butts County
6. Enter Username
7. Enter Password
8. Click on Login